Chambers Creek MUDs – MCMUD 170, MCMUD 100, MCMUD 101

Through Montgomery County MUD No. 170’s website you can easily find links to the following services:

MC MUD 170 is the Master District for municipal utility districts in Chambers Creek.

Through Montgomery County MUD No. 100’s website you can easily find links to the following services:

Through Montgomery County MUD No. 101’s website you can easily find links to the following services:

Winter Weather Update from Best Trash

With the latest snow forecast for Tuesday, Best Trash will be closed for regular operations tomorrow.

Please see the revised schedule below for the tentative schedule for the rest of the week.

  • Monday: We will run a regular service day.
  • Tuesday: Closed.
  • Wednesday: Delayed start.
  • Thursday: Delayed start.

Note: If the landfills close due to inclement weather, we cannot run our routes on those day(s).

The guidelines are subject to change depending on the actual weather conditions.

If we are unable to run our routes on your scheduled service day, your pick-up will be on the next scheduled service day.

If plants die due to the weather, they will be considered storm debris and handled accordingly.

Best wishes, and be safe.

MCMUD 100 Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate – October 29, 2024

The Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 100 will be conducting a public hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for the tax year 2024. The meeting is scheduled for:

Tax Rate Analysis

The proposed tax rate remains unchanged from the previous year at $1.35000 per $100 of value.

Analysis of the tax implications for the average residence homestead reveals no change in the tax rate, reflecting a 0.00% increase or decrease in rates.

The average residence homestead taxable value has been established at $443,074 for this year, with a proposed tax amounting to approximately $5,981.50.

Additional Information

Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.

For questions or further clarification regarding this notice, please refer to the notice linked here or contact the tax office directly at 281-482-0216.